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Create a Riot Account - Riot Developer Portal

Receive news, special offers, feedback surveys, and playtest invitations from Riot Games. You can also create an account with. Already have an account?

Create a Riot Account

Receive news, special offers, feedback surveys, and playtest invitations from Riot Games. You can also create an account with. Already have an account?

Managing Your Riot Account

2022年5月27日 — Why, at, of course! Simply sign in to check out your account details. For a breakdown of what's what on the account ...

Riot Games

徵的就是你! 加入Riot,步上你的專業職涯, 一起為玩家創造難忘回憶. 0職缺數量24招募辦公室數量 · 探索職涯. Careers. Riot Games.

Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT ...

Riot Games. Developer of League of Legends, VALORANT, Teamfight Tactics ... SIGN IN. What's happening? See more · State of the Game 2024. News · Dev Update ...

VALORANT: Riot Games' competitive 5v5 character

Riot Games presents VALORANT: a 5v5 character-based tactical FPS where precise gunplay meets unique agent abilities. Learn about VALORANT and its stylish ...


2022年5月27日 — 如果你是《英雄聯盟》早期就加入的資深玩家,可能會發現網站長得跟以前不太一樣,所以先別急著離開,來看看我們進行了什麼樣的改版吧! Riot ID. riot- ...